WebODRA - A Web Framework for the Object-Oriented DBMS ODRA
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Presented on the First International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments (WEB 2013). January 27 - February 1, 2013, Seville, Spain.
The modern Web requires new ways for creating applications. We present our approach combining a web framework with a modern object-oriented database. It makes it easier to develop web applications by rising the level of abstraction. In contrast to many existing solutions, where the business logic is developed in an object-oriented programming language and data is stored and processed in a relational system, our proposal employs a single programming and query language. Such a solution, together with flexible routing rules, creates a coherent ecosystem and, as an additional benefit, reduces the impedance mismatch. Our research is supported by a working prototype of the web framework for ODRA, a powerful object-oriented database management system. Furthermore, a simple web application (a forum) has been created to prove usefulness of the approach and the framework.