Mariusz Trzaska PJATK (public)
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Designing a device independent personal task management solution using RESTful API driven interfaces

Mariusz MGR


Rozmiar pliku: 1.17 MB

Praca magisterska obroniona w PJWSTK.

Tytuł: Elastyczny interfejs użytkownika do współpracy z bazą danych

Autor: Grzegorz Kaczorek

Promotor: dr inż. Mariusz Trzaska


The thesis discusses the problems of developing multiple clients for applications with a centralised back-end. In particular { the problem of augmenting a web browser interface with multiple clients meant to be deployed on mobile devices.
The thesis describes the state of the art in the field of platform consolidation and device agnostic web applications, concentrating on their deficiencies and inferiority to native client applications.
The thesis then proposes a method of using the concept of a Functionally Extended Application Response generated by the API that and introduces certain design patterns that allow for maximum client logic reuse on multiple platforms.
A prototype of an API, web client and mobile client are all build to determine the feasibility of the aforementioned methodology. Based on the experience of prototype implementation the achieved results are discussed in terms of relevance to solving the problem described in the thesis with special care of defining the parameters for applications that will benefit from the approach presented.